Barcelona 0-3 Bayern Munich: Heynckes Understand Style of Spain Teams

Bayern Munich's 3-0 victory over Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final second leg at the Nou Camp were achieved because of the understanding held by their coach, Jupp Heynckes, the Spanish team's style of play.

Jupp Heynckes previously coached several teams such as Athletic Bilbao La Liga between 1992-94 and 2001-2003, Tenerife in the 1996-97 season and Real Madrid in the 1997-98 season, making him very familiar with the philosophy and style of play Spanish team.

In addition, this victory because the tactic approach desired by him and managed to apply it properly in the field.

67-year-old coach also praised the success of the prospective opponent in the final, Borussia Dortmund, with remarkable success to be able to get to the final at Wembley. But he certainly hoped that the final they can win this time, unlike last season where they had to recognize the benefits of Chelsea although the final match played at the Allianz Arena, home alone.

"I know a very good football Spain, especially Barcelona. I know how they play and how their philosophy," said Heynckes told

"I understand the team approach with very good tactics and they do it perfectly,"

"Dortmund deserve to be in the final, because they played a great season as well. Course it is little surprise that they reached the final. I certainly hope that we can be successful at Wembley," added Heynckes.


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